Julia package for clustering streaming data using DPMM.
Easy to use and configure.
Code for our paper Sampling in Dirichlet Process Mixture Models for Clustering Streaming Data,
PhD, Computer Science.
I am currently researching Computer Vision at Apple. I completed my PhD in Computer Science under the supervision of Dr. Oren Freifeld, focusing on unsupervised/semi-supervised learning, clustering, Bayesian nonparametrics, deep learning, and computer-vision applications.
Julia package for clustering streaming data using DPMM.
Easy to use and configure.
Code for our paper Sampling in Dirichlet Process Mixture Models for Clustering Streaming Data,
Python wrapper for the DPMMSubClusterStreaming.jl package.
Julia package for distributed parallel inference in Dirichlet Process Mixture Models.
Easy to use and configure.
Code for our paper Distributed MCMC Inference in Dirichlet Process Mixture Models Using Julia
Python wrapper for the DPMMSubClusters.jl package.
This package allows to perform inference in the vHDPMM setting, as described in our paper Scalable and Flexible Clustering of Grouped Data via Parallel and Distributed Sampling in Versatile Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes, or as an alternative, it can perform inference in HDPMM setting.
Small python package to explore the hierarchical struct of ImageNet/WordNet.
Or Dinari
Ben-Gurion University Of The Negev Beer-Sheva, Israel.
Office: -105/37
Email: dinari at post.bgu.ac.il